Pet First Aid - Multimedia Exchange Site


Middlesbrough Community Learning


½ Day

Maximum Attendees

30 People

Cost Per Course

Contact for further details

Cost Per Person

Contact for further details


The aim of Pet First Aid is to teach valuable skills on how to help pets such as dogs and cats in emergency situations, and how to keep the situation calm until the necessary veterinary care can be provided.

This FREE course, funded by Middlesbrough Community Learning, is eligble for all residents of the Tees Valley aged 19+.

Please note, this course is hosted at various sites. Please ensure when booking you have clicked the right site.

Course Contents

  • What to do in the event of pet first aid?
  • Identify when to administer CPR to pets (i.e. dogs/cats) who are not breathing properly
  • Be able to identify when the pet is choking and what to do
  • Be able to define and understand the term 'shock' relevant to First Aid and to recognise when the pet is suffering from shock
  • Be able to describe the types and severity of bleeding, as well as learn how to control external bleeding
  • Be able to describe types of fractures and their correct treatment
  • Be able to understand and how to administer first aid with acute medical conditions/sudden illnesses

Accrediated Qualification

Middlesbrough Community Learning